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But emigration continued during the democracy because of bad economical situation many Slovak inhabitants decided to worked in foreign countries. During the culmination, the number of Slovak inhabitants who worked in abroad was approximately more than 200 thousand. Remitencie reached 0.8 % GDP. The specific phenomenon of this period is mass migration of Roma people from Slovakia because of economical and discrimination problems (from majority side of population) . Therefore the Slovak inhabitants created the active communities in other foreign countries. The communities try to preserve their native culture, habits and traditions and also develop contacts with their homeland. After Slovakia became part of European Union and did economical reforms, Slovakia changed the viewpoint on migration. In apast few years, Slovakia sustain the migration and gradually become the country with acceptation for migrants. The Slovak inhabitants migrate (because of work or study) within the bounds of European Union but also outside the EU. The motivation for migration is about temporary stay in foreign countries, new experiences, establish relations or is about meeting new people. 1. Historical features 1.1. The social and economical context of emigration from the country Migration from the former area of Hungaria, where Slovakia was part of this area (it), was conditioned by different economical and social conditions in her individual regions. For that reason emigration concerned especially economicaly less developed regions such as eastern Slovakia and agriculture areas. In other words from the late 19th century and beginning of the 20th century emigration from Slovakia was part of so-called big atlantic migration wave, where people from Europe looking for better condition for life mostly in USA, but also in Argentina. (People like us, 2007). From Slovakia emigrated mostly men because they tried to acquired better job and send their made money to the families. This capital they earned helped them to underwent bad times like poor harvest or economic depression. When Austro-Hungarian Empire existed people went away from Slovakia to more developed parts of Empire. Especially capital cities like Vienna or Budapest became the final destinations for craftsmen, bricklayers, housekeepers but also for artists and educated people. In this times they were part of one state but after First World War Austro-Hungarian Empire was divided in to the many national states. After Second World War emigration was conditioned mostly politically. In Slovakia, threat of incoming fascism during the years of Second World War compeled mainly jewish people left their home. First to Hungaria, where the regime was less repressive and then to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland or USA. Also in former Czechoslovakia thousands of people from Slovakia left their home during the communist regime. First they looked for asylum in democratic countries like Austria or Federal Republic of Germany but many people continued to the other European countries, USA, Canada or Australia. Number of inhabitants with Slovakian origin in USA is estimated on more than 800 thousand to 1, 200000 and approximately 100 thousand in Canada (Burza, Augustn). In western part of Czechoslovakia, state supported self-imposed movement to the industrial areas or areas where german inhabitants lived before - in so-called Sudetenland as part of Czech republic. This governed migration allowed renovation post-war Czechoslovakia. After 1990 emigration from Slovakia was again about economical situation. People from different spheres and erudition left Slovakia because of economical and social problems. This phenomenon became stronger after Slovakia and other countries became part of European Union in 2004 and with open market especially in United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland. Culmination of working emigration in foreign countries was about 200 thousand Slovak people. Remitencie foreign capital, that emigrants brought back to Slovakia is around 0,8% GDP (Divinsk, 2005). Leaving of people was stopped by economical growth in Slovakia and also with present economical crisis in host countries. Emigration at the end of 1990s and beginning of the 21th centruy is specific because thousands of Romany inhabitants from Slovakia ask for political asyl in Canada, United Kingdom, Belgium or Norway (Jurova, 2004; Hlavac, 2004). In spite of predominate view that their left from Slovakia was economical, some of them already obtain political asyl. So-called asylum hiking was limited when Slovakia became part of European Union and harmonize asylum law. 1.2. Chronological references 1860 1920 Big Atlantic Wave, mass european emigration and transatlantic colonization, mainly USA . 1918 First Czechoslovak Republic . 1933 Economic depression continuation of atlantic migration. 1939 Fascistic Slovak State persecution towards Jews and Czech inhabitants. 1948 Communist revolution persecution towards dissidents, intellectuals and wealthy inhabitants. 1968 Soldierly invasion of Warsaw Pact army to Czechoslovakia occupation and persecution, so-called normalization. 1989 Renovation of democratic institution people regularly leaving for work to border areas, especially Austria. 1993 The Slovak Republic (end of Czechoslovakia ) working migration to Czech Republic continue. 2004 Slovakia became part of European Union, many countries neuplatHuj !!! temporary period and open labour market for Slovak inhabitants. Present  emigration is stopped and people are going back from foreign countries to Slovakia, Slovakia is becoming final destination country for many foreigners from Ukraine, Moldavia, Romania etc. 1.3. Historical links between Slovakia and some other countries Out of Slovakia lives approximately 2 million people who have Slovakian background. The biggest Slovak diaspora is in USA, mainly in state Ohio as consequence of big altantic wave in late 19th century to early 20th century. Up to now, living descendants of Slovak immigrants today, USA citizens are still connected with their cultural roots. They try to help their former homeland through associations etc. We can find many historical connections between Slovakia and other countries of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Many Slovak inhabitants left infertile area from northern Slovakia to more fertile areas Slavonia, Vojvodina, southern Hungaria, Romania. Up to now, this communities preserve their own cultural traditions and contact with Slovak institutions. In modern history (last 20 years) Czech Republic became final destination for many Slovak inhabitants because of predominate relations from former Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic is also atractive for Slovak peopel because of similar language and culture. Approximately 300 thousand Slovak inhabitants live and work in Czech Republic. The Slovak minority is the most numerous national minority in Czech Republic. Another important country for Slovak inhabitants is United Kingdom because of open labor market for inhabitants from new membership states when Slovak became part of European Union. 1.4. The economical, political, social and cultural effects of emigration Generally we can say that migration have aimpact on homeland like on target country. In the past Slovakia, was a country of emigrants. The territory of country is mainly mountainous and up to second half of 20th century almost non-industrialization!!! The consequence of this situation was poverty and strong motivation from Slovak people to left the country because of work and tried to find better perspective for life in abroad. As aresult of migration, the whole areas (villages) were moved out. But this fact influenced the whole economy of the country. But more often, men migrated the most because they were providers and they used to send money to their wives and families. In the past, the reasons for migration was not just economical. Slovakia is (was) relatively conservative country under strong influence of Catholicism. Another factor, why Slovak inhabitants left from homeland was religious intolerance. Mainly the members of protestant communities left Slovakia because they were looking for more tolerant areas. In some historical period, Slovakia was consider as tolerant in religious as ethnic point of view and as apart of former Hungarian territory, Slovakia became asylum for many religious and ethnic deportees from different countries (protestant from Czech Republic, Jews and Roma people). At present, the economical benefit from Slovak emigration is obvious because they are acquiring experiences as well as from work imigration, which are missing in Slovak economy and are saturated by workers from different countries (engineering, health service, car indurstry). Constrained migrants have considerable cultural impact in Slovakia refugees who acquired asyl. In the 1990s, it was mainly students from Afganistan (today very successful scientists, managers, doctors) but also from different countries. Many of them are parts of different associations and contribute to modern Slovak culture. 1.5. Sources: bibliography Burza, J. et. al. Ako sa stae Kanaanom / How to become a Canadian. Bratislava. Divinsk, B. 2005. Zahrani n migrcia vSlovenskej republike. Bratislava: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung e. V., Vskumn centrum Slovenskej spolo nosti pre zahrani n politiku, n.o. 2005. Divinsk, B. 2007. Labor market-migration nexus in Slovakia: time to act in a comprehensive way. Bratislava: IOM. 2007 Ferjencikova, M. 1995. Ako seahovav vtci / Like birds of passage. ROMA  Journal for education and art. Zima 1995 Hlav , G. 2004. Pre o Rmovia z Bystrian opaeaj Slovensko / Why Roma people from Bystrany village left Slovakia. Romano Nevo Lil, ro . XIV.  XV., . 67. Iom. 2009. World migration report, Geneva 2009 Iom. 2008. International Dialogue on Migration No 11  Migrants and the host societies: Partnerships for success. Geneva: IOM. 2008 Kotvanov, E., Szp, A. 2002. Migrcia a Rmovia. Bratislava: Slovensk inatitt medzinrodnch atdi, 2002 =udia ako my / People like us. 2007.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ludiaakomy.sk/projekt/php. 2007" http://www.ludiaakomy.sk/projekt/php. 2007 =udia ako my / People like us. 2007. DVD  documentary Popper, M. et. al. 2006. Potreby migrantov na Slovensku. Bratislava: IOM. 2006 Procha, J. 2004. Interkulturn psychologie. Praha: Portl, 2004, ISBN 80-7178-885-6 `petko, J. 1994. Slovensk politick migrcia v 20. Storo . Praha. 1994 2. The legal aspect: a short survey of the legal acts studied during the research. 2.1. The spirit of the laws: the attitude towards people who go and arrive At present, govern work migration in Slovakia is considered as the instrument of development in not so much developt regions. People who were unemployed could used compensation from transportation in case that they traveled from outlying regions (Zkon . 311/2001 - Zkonnk prce novelizovan roku 2009). Overwhelming majority from Slovak migration to foreign countries is implemented under the terms of European Union. Slovakian laws does not limit possibilities to travel. In this cases, Slovak inhabitants have to respect immigration rules of country they want to travel. The Slovak laws also contain questions about acceptance foreigners - forms of stay, work, business and study possibilities for them or in a different aim. (Zkon 48/2002 opobyte cudzincov).Laws also adapt rules and conditions so-called, naturalization and acquire citizenship (Zkon 344/2007 oattnom ob ianstve SR). Specific problems relate to forced migration and possibility to protect foreigners is included in law 480/2002 about asylum. In case of children, law 305/2005 about socilnoprvnej ochrane asocilnej kuratele. 2.2. The concrete aspect: rules, limits, opportunities Possibilities for migration (work, study) is coming mainly from Slovakia membership in European Union. For example free movement is defined in found agreements as one of the basics civil rights. For new membership countries like Slovakia, some limits still pay it concern transitional time periods. It mean that some countries like Austria or Germany use this periods and demand license from Slovak inhabitants. When all lawful conditions are fulfil the possibility for stay for another purpose is not limited, is mostl likely about administration. The govern migration in other countries is conditioned by bilateral agreements. Majority of Slovak inhabitatnts probably travel out of country to USA and European Union, when they still need visa. Slovak laws deal with imigration problems lawful foreigners acceptance, forms of stay including humanitarian stay. In this respect our legislation is harmonize with European Union regulations, under the terms of Acquis communitaire and other agreements such asGeneva convention (1951). 2.3. Sources: a list of references to legal acts Zkon 480/2002 o azyle  Act of asylum. Zkon 344/2007 o attnom ob ianstve SR - Citizenship of Slovak Republic Act. Zkon 245/2008 o vzdelvan - Education Act. Zkon 48/2002 o pobyte cudzincov  Foreigners stay Act. Zkon 305 /2005 o socilnoprvnej ochrane dieeaea a socilnej kuratele - Social and legal protection of the Child Act. Zkon 311/2001 Zkonnk prce - Code of Labour - Last amend in 2009. 3. The experience of emigration/immigration: a survey of the documents collected during the research. 3.1. Which kind of documents did we collect? A typological classification Documents about migration used for collecting information were books, professional articles etc. and discuss this domain with comprehension. To migration problematiic we used also informational and enlightenment brochures. Another type of information source was internet portals, especially organisations working with migration (The Community Initiative EQUAL, IOM) where the informations and datas are constantly updating. We also use documentary movie about forced migration where people talked about their experience with emigration. Another information sources was interviews with respondents rewrote to forms and in one case interview was recorded. Research include laws about migration possibilities and also This research included adapted laws for possibilities of migration and aslo attitudes to different kind of people from other foreign countries who lived in Slovakia, their duties, rights, possibilities for legal work etc. 3.2. Which area do they concern (a city, a region, the whole country, etc.) Most of documents discuss migration problems as global phenomenon. The theories are applied on any region or continent. Part of publication also discuss specific migration problems and experiences with migration within the territory of central Europe, so-called The Visegrd Group. Some of articles talked about Roma people communities and their migration from Slovakia. Legislative norms used for research are laws with validity in Slovakia. 3.3. Which kind of reality, and of problems too, do they show (human rights, work, cultural integration, religious difference, etc.)? Processed publications divide migration to the different perspectives voluntary and forced migration and regular and irregular migration. Different theories admitted different factors for migration. The most common is disproportion between deficiency in homeland and expectations in host country. In Slovakia, the most common condition for migration is find ajob. It concern workers from different professions and different education. Important part of this migration is between neighbour regions (hungarian, austrian and czech border area). Most of the migrants left their home for long period of time and sent money to their families because the earnings are higher. Therefore their families have better life and can buy for examplehomesteads. The part of publication focused on problems with forced migration, in terms of escape from political or religious persecution. In case of Roma people and their emigration, the economical and social problems are combine with discrimination and impossibility to be in the part of majority society. 3.4. The interviews : what is the overriding attitude about emigration/immigration? are there any remarkable differences between experiences/opinions of interviewed people? do they show any remarkable change (of attitude or opinions) happened by the time? Respondents who participate on interviews consider their emigration from Slovakia as their legitimate possibility which the present situation can offer them. Many of these migrants moved out because of possibility to gain better job, self-reliance, learn language and experience their life through different culture and new people. Two respondents emigrated from Slovakia in times of communism. First respondent said that her reason for leaving was subjective feeling of lack of freedom in religion and desire to live in more freedom tolerant society. Respondents expectations about new country are often different on what they think about that. In spite of the fact that they have prearranged jobs, they were part of community their adaptation on new situations was very difficult. From many points of views, more developed countries offer possibility for well paid jobs, but the pressure and responsibilities are bigger. The biggest problems in adaptation on new surrounding are mainly unknown circumstances, no contacts, no social network. Some respondents talked about homesick, missing their families and things they consider as common, but in foreign country they miss it (like food). Their experiences are different, but mainly positive even their problems which they underwent. Many of them express their will to stay in host country, as long as they will have ajob and be able to live standart lifestyle. But some of the respondents talked about negative experiences and their stay in Slovakia. Mainly they remembered arrogance and mistrust they felt from locals, especially from employers. But positive attitudes were more common than negative because of the their experience for life and possibilities to use it for another stay. 3.5. The two case studies: a summary 3.5.1. Case study 1 23 old woman emigrated to UK after she finished university because she wanted to learn language and found good paid job. She came to the Slovak community where she found friends. They helped her with job because she cannot found proper one and also with accommodation. She had just temporary job therefore she thought about premature comeback to Slovakia. Firstly she felt that even she had friends in UK it is hard for her to be in this kind of situation. She realized that her expectations were more than optimistic as was reality. Life in Slovak, Czech and Polish community was very nice in the beginning, but after that she realized it was 468BDFRrtʵ|`A(1h`?Lh`?LB*CJHOJQJ^JaJHmH ph3fsH =h`?Lhy,7B*CJHOJPJQJ^JaJHmH nH ph3fsH tH 7h`?LB*CJHOJPJQJ^JaJHmH nH ph3fsH tH (hvGLh`?LB*XmH nH phsH tH "h`?LB*XmH nH phsH tH "hPB*XmH nH phsH tH (hvGLhPB*XmH nH phsH tH ?h`?LhP>*B*CJ`OJQJ\^JaJ`mH nHph3fsH tHhPxmH sH jhPUmHnHu   468:<>@BDF $dha$gdy,7 $da$gd`?LgdPgd`?L|Btz|汒sT5T=h`?Lhy,7B*CJ0OJPJQJ^JaJ0mH nH ph3fsH tH =h`?LhLB*CJ0OJPJQJ^JaJ0mH nH ph3fsH tH =h`?Lh:S}B*CJ0OJPJQJ^JaJ0mH nH ph3fsH tH =h`?Lhy,7B*CJ(OJPJQJ^JaJ(mH nH ph3fsH tH =h`?Lhy,7B*CJHOJPJQJ^JaJHmH nH ph3fsH tH +h`?LB*CJHOJQJ^JaJHmH ph3fsH 1hVuh`?LB*CJHOJQJ^JaJHmH ph3fsH   n p  ʼwfU@/ h`?Lhy,7CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh`?Lhy,7CJOJQJU^JaJ h`?Lh0DCJOJQJ^JaJ hh0DCJOJQJ^JaJhR9h0D5OJQJ^J#hy,7hy,75OJQJ^JmH sH h`?Lhy,7CJ aJ mH sH hy,7hmH sH hy,7hPxmH sH jheUmHnHuhPxmH sH jhPUmHnHu=h`?LhPB*CJ0OJPJQJ^JaJ0mH nH ph3fsH tH  n p 7 8 A B & &$d%d&d'dNOPQgd`?L $dha$gd& $dha$gd)$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd`?L $dha$gdgd`?L   4 5 7 8 A B ! 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