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Royal order 285 of 31st March 1936 completing and coordinating the dispositions in relation to the use of foreign workforce (see the sheet devoted to this order in the part Analysis of laws). The residence permit is given on the basis of the presentation of a work contract. This order sets up a scheme based on a prior double permission, for the foreign worker who must hold a work permit whose validity is limited in time (2 years apart from exceptions) and for the employer who must obtain the occupation permission. This order taken in a context of economical crisis was the basis of the whole later policy on the subject. Until the 60s, the immigration policy was essentially seen like a regulation instrument of the labour market. According to the evolution of the economic situation, periods of call on foreign workers alternate with stages of immigration limitation. If the regulations are applied with severity when the unemployment rate is high, they are applied in a much more flexible way when the demand for workforce is great. 1.1.2 1945 - 1974 As indicated above, this period was marked by several stages of call for foreign workforce or of limitation of the recourse to it according to the evolution of the economic situation. For the analysis of the migration phenomenon, we can divide the period 1945-1974 into two stages. 1945 1961 In 1945, the coal battle whose outcome is capital for the boosting of the economy and the lack of Belgian workforce in coalmines implies the recourse to foreign workers, especially Italians (see below the point Historical links between Belgium and Italy). Protocol between Italy and Belgium concerning the recruiting of Italian workers and their settling in Belgium 20th June 1946 (see the sheet devoted to this agreement in the part Analysis of laws). Parallel to the specific rules as regards the use of immigrant workforce, the authorities take wider measures in 1952 to control and possibly restrict the access, the stay and the settling of foreigners in Belgium. Law on the foreigners police 28th March 1952 (see the sheet devoted to this law in the part Analysis of laws). This law gives almost unlimited powers to the Minister of Justice and to his administration (the Foreigners Police) that controls the entry and the stay of foreigners on the Belgian territory: fixing of the entry and stay conditions, granting of the residence permit, practical application of the expulsion measures, expulsion of the foreign national who does not respect the conditions of his residence permission, expulsion in case of a presence considered dangerous for the public order, the security or the economy of the country, application of the rules planned for the recognition of the status of refugees. 1956: the catastrophe at the Bois du Cazier and the stopping of Italian immigration (see below the point Historical links between Belgium and Italy). From 1945 to the beginning of the 60s, the Belgian policy as regards immigration has an essentially economical function. The recourse to foreign workers is considered temporary to answer the needs of the labour market. There is no question at that time of a permanent settling and, consequently, of an integration policy. At first, coalmines use immigrant workforce the most but, progressively, other sectors (metallurgical industry, building industry, services) call on them. With the stopping of Italian immigration, Greece and Spain answered the needs for workers in Belgium. Some political refugees and people displaced from Eastern Europe are also recruited. 1961-1974 This period is marked by considerable modifications in the characteristics of the migration phenomenon in Belgium. An increase in the number of immigrants and a widening of the recruitment areas: after the South of Europe, we turn to North Africa and Turkey. A geographical and sectional shift. Before 1961, immigrants were localized above all in Wallonia and in the Campine in coal areas. Since the mining activity is on the decline, they settle from then on in the big industrial and urban centres (Ghent, Antwerp and above all Brussels). More and more sectors call on foreign workforce: metallurgical industry, building industry, services, chemistry, transports, etc. The basic motivation for welcoming foreigners in the country remains of course economical but, on the basis of surveys highlighting a population ageing process, the authorities progressively gave a new repopulation and injection of young blood function to immigration to maintain the demographical balance of the country. That implies to favour the definitive settling of foreign nationals and to take the necessary measures for their integration. Royal order of 20th May 1965 in relation to the granting to migrant workers of an allowance for travel costs of their family members (see the sheet devoted to this order in the part Analysis of laws). This order marks the beginning of a family reunification policy. The progressive application of the dispositions of the Treaty of Rome on the free circulation of people in the European Union (see below the point Historical links between Belgium and Italy) modifies the status of nationals from countries belonging to the Union. Regulation (EEC) n 1612/68 by the Council, of 15th October 1968, in relation to the free circulation of workers within the Community and Directive 68/360/EEC by the Council, of 15th October 1968, in relation to the abolition of the restrictions to the moving and the stay of workers from member states and of their family within the Community (see the sheet devoted to these dispositions in the part Analysis of laws). A national from a member country of the EU doesnt need a residence permit and a work permit any longer to settle in Belgium and enter the Belgian employment market. At legal level, foreigners coming from a member country of the Union go from the immigrant status (with all legal dispositions and regulations applying to this status) to the status of national from a member state of the Community. They are no longer concerned by the dispositions taken as regards immigration that only apply to people coming from countries outside the EU. The legislation as regards naturalization however remains applicable to them. From that moment on, when we study the migration phenomena, we have to distinguish the criteria in force for the nationals from the EU and the criteria for the foreigners from outside the EU. The deterioration of the economical situation in the beginning of the 70s leads the Belgian government to stop immigration. 1st August 1974: official stopping of immigration according to a decision made by a council of ministers. 1.1.3. From 1974 to the present day The decision of the official stopping made in 1974 did not put an end to the migration flux which even starts again in a sizeable way from 1984 on. In comparison with the period before 1974 we find some differences in the forms of migration, the national origins of the migrants and the policies implemented by the Belgian authorities. The forms of migration and the national origins The migrations of nationals from the European Union, which is a consequence of the free circulation of people, represent a considerable part in the increase in the foreign population in Belgium. At the same time, the entry of workers from outside the EU is not totally stopped, some new work permits are still granted but more and more to highly skilled people while before 1974 the unskilled labour component was dominant. There is moreover a diversification of the national and continental origins with the arrival of immigrants from Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. Family reunification remains an important motive for the arrival in Belgium (47% of the immigrants in 2007). The arrival of foreign students is also an increasing phenomenon. The issue of asylum seekers and illegal immigrant workers gains in importance both at quantitative level and in the public debate. Since 1980, the policy that must be led in this field has regularly come back in the current affairs with progressive restrictions on the right of asylum and successive modifications of the law pursuing an aim that consists in reducing the flux of seekers. We also notice a change in the perception of the asylum seeker: from a vision referring in the beginning to the Human Rights issue, we went to a way of envisaging it linked to a problem of disguised economical immigration. The issue of the regularization of illegally staying foreigners came up several times notably during regularization campaigns in 1974 and in 1999. A similar operation is currently in progress. The policies implemented by the Belgian authorities The important element in the evolution of the institutional structures in Belgium must be taken into account. Since 1993, communities and regions have been concerned with integration, which can lead to the implementation of different policies. The federal power remains concerned with the definition of the rules as regards the entry and the stay in Belgium and also as regards naturalization. From 1974 to 1999, the official line is that of zero immigration with a double policy (see below the recent evolution of the immigration and integration policy in Belgium): some measures are taken to integrate the migrants who are present in Belgium and, at the same time, we attempt to dissuade possible newcomers. 1999 is a turning point in the policy concerning immigration. We go from the rhetoric of zero immigration to that of the global approach to talk from then on about a migration policy rebalanced combining open-mindedness and firmness. This change of perspective can largely be explained by the transfer of important levers of the decision on the subject to the European Union which will be made responsible for harmonizing the national policies. The Treaty of Amsterdam (that came into force on 1st May 1999) provides for the setting up in the next five years of a common space of freedom, security and justice, including a common immigration and asylum policy. The measures linked to asylum and security have been elaborated quite quickly unlike those concerning economical migration. Pact on immigration and asylum passed by the European Council 15th/16th October 2008 (see the sheet devoted to this agreement in the part Analysis of laws). The European states among which Belgium progressively envisage to accept a new chosen and controlled economical immigration to answer the needs of the labour market in European countries. 1.1.4 The recent evolution of the immigration and integration policy in Belgium From the beginning of the 80s on, the immigrant problem has invited itself in the political debate: What we will call the immigrants problem covers diverse social problems that the presence of immigrants poses, among which appear among others the schooling of young immigrants, the concentration of immigrants in certain urban areas, the illegitimacy of the presence of immigrants in a time of employment crisis, and the cultural difference [1]. The presence of foreign nationals (from the Maghreb most of the time) is contested notably in the views expressed by some men or political parties. Immigrants are often considered to be the scapegoats of the employment crisis especially in a time of election campaign. While this issue used to concern above all the Brussels-Capital Region and Wallonia in the 80s, there is a moving towards Flanders in the 90s with the increase in power, especially in Antwerp, of the Vlaams Blok (Vlaams Belang at present), a Flemish nationalist and xenophobic far-right party. Yet, its becoming evident that the presence of immigrants is irreversible and that an expulsion policy like before the war is impracticable [2]. In this context of tension, the Belgian authorities set up a double policy: - limits to the entry or the settling of new immigrants and measures of incitement to return home; - the integration of the foreign nationals who have already settled in Belgium. The limits to the entry or the settling of new immigrants Law on the access to the territory, the stay, the settling and the expulsion of foreigners 15th December 1980 (see the sheet devoted to this law in the part Analysis of laws). Replacing the law of 1952 on the foreigners police, it offers more legal guarantees for the security of the stay and provides for foreigners possibilities of appeal before the courts to contest any measure taken against the legality of their stay. It gives an administrative status to the foreigner, gives him guarantees as regards constitutional liberties and protection against the administrative arbitrary. It also contains some dispositions as regards the right of family reunification. This law is still in force but it has been modified many times notably to restrict the possibilities of being granted the right of asylum. Law in relation to certain aspects of the foreigners condition and instituting the Nationality Code 28th June 1984 (see the sheet devoted to this law in the part Analysis of laws). This law facilitates the access to the Belgian nationality for already settled immigrants but it restricts at the same time the right of stay and settling for new foreign nationals. For example, it gives the possibility to the burgomasters of some towns to refuse the registration of foreigners. This disposition was applied from 1985 to 1991. The integration policy This policy is based on three axes: Individual integration through the acquisition of the nationality Law in relation to certain aspects of the foreigners condition and instituting the Nationality Code 28th June 1984 (see the sheet devoted to this law in the part Analysis of laws). The granting and the acquisition of the Belgian nationality are considered to be instruments of the integration policy for foreign populations. One of the pursued aims is the integration of children of the second and third generations. The granting of the Belgian nationality can happen (possibly by means of a certificate) either because of the fathers or the mothers nationality (right of blood) or because of the birth in Belgium (right of soil). For the acquisition of the nationality, the law sets up a simplified naturalization procedure but the latter remains subject to the checking of the will to integrate. The law of 1984 has known several modifications. The jus soli (right of soil) has been confirmed for the children who can obtain the Belgian nationality by a simple certificate for the second generation and automatically for the third one. The law of 1st March 2000 simplifies the naturalization procedures: any foreigner residing legally in Belgium and fulfilling the requirements can become Belgian by a simple certificate. The notion will to integrate is abandoned. Fight against racism Law on the punishment of certain acts inspired by racism or xenophobia 30th July 1981 and Law modifying the law of 30th July 1981 on the punishment of certain acts inspired by racism or xenophobia 10th May 2007 (see the sheet devoted to this law in the part Analysis of laws). The law of 2007 wants to fight against any form of discrimination based on nationality, a supposed race, colour of the skin, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin. Creation in 1993 of the Centre for the equality of opportunity and the fight against racism (see the sheet devoted to the actions and publications of the Centre in the part Analysis of publications). The strictly speaking integration policies: social policies, town and country planning and urban renovation, culture, education, integration into the world of work, fight against petty crime, etc. See below the examples of good practices notably in the field of education. Decree of 4th July 1996 in relation to the integration of foreign people or people of foreign origin and Decree of 30th April 2009 modifying the decree of 4th July 1996 in relation to the integration of foreign people or people of foreign origin (see the sheet devoted to these decrees for the Walloon Region in the part Analysis of laws). The Walloon Region wants to lead positive actions favouring the equality of opportunity for foreign people or people of foreign origin and citizenship with the prospect of a multicultural society. The integration process also takes place through the participation in the political life with the access of foreigners to the right to vote for the local elections (Law of 27th January 1999 for nationals from a member country of the European Union and Law of 10th March 2004 for nationals from outside the European Union). 1.2. Chronological references 1.2.1. The interwar years 1922: first recruitment of foreign miners (Italians and Germans). Economical crisis of the 30s and restriction measures on the entry and the use of foreign workforce: Royal order of 31st March 1936 completing and coordinating the dispositions in relation to the use of foreign workforce. 1.2.2. 1945-1974 1945 1961: economical and temporary immigration. 1945: coal battle and massive call for foreign workforce. Protocol between Italy and Belgium concerning the recruiting of Italian workers and their settling in Belgium (20th June 1946). Law on the foreigners police (28th March 1952): control of the access, the stay and the settling of foreigners in Belgium. 8th August 1956: catastrophe at the Bois du Cazier. Stopping of Italian immigration. 1961 1974: demographical role of immigration, definitive settling of migrants, geographical and sectional modifications, free circulation of people within the European Union. Royal order of 20th May 1965 in relation to the granting to migrant workers of an allowance for travel costs of their family: beginning of a family reunification policy to favour the definitive settling of migrants. Regulation and directive of the European Council (15th October 1968): free circulation of workers within the European Union. 1st August 1974: official stopping of immigration. 1.2.3. From 1974 to the present day Continuation of the migration movement in spite of the official stopping, more and more important role of Europe, double policy in Belgium (limit to the entry of new immigrants and integration of foreigners who have settled in Belgium). Law on the access to the territory, the stay, the settling and the expulsion of foreigners (15th December 1980). Law on the punishment of certain acts inspired by racism or xenophobia (30th July 1981) and Law modifying the law of 30th July 1981 on the punishment of certain acts inspired by racism or xenophobia (20th May 2007). Law in relation to certain aspects of the foreigners condition and instituting the nationality Code (28th June 1984). 1993: creation of the Centre for the equality of opportunity and the fight against racism. Treaty of Amsterdam (that came into force on 1st May 1999): end of the speech on zero immigration. Will to set up a common immigration and asylum policy. Access of foreigners to the right to vote for the local elections: law of 27th January 1999 for nationals from a member country of the European Union and Law of 10th March 2004 for nationals from outside the European Union. 1.3. Historical links between Italy and Belgium The Italian immigration in Belgium starts just after the First World War with the hiring of miners. Next to this economical immigration, the Italian presence in Belgium has also got a political dimension linked to the arrival of antifascist opponents in our country. In 1945, Belgium is involved in the coal battle: production, which is essential for the rebuilding of the economy, has to be quickly boosted. A problem arises: the recruitment of miners and the necessity in the end to call on foreign workforce because it is a work that is not in great demand among Belgian workers. The Belgian authorities turn so to the traditional pre-war recruitment areas in Central and Southern Europe and especially to Italy that knows a difficult economical situation and a high unemployment rate. Three key moments can be highlighted in the history of the migration flux between Italy and Belgium since 1945: the 1946 protocol, the catastrophe at the Bois du Cazier in 1956 and the application from 1968 on of the dispositions of the Treaty of Rome on the free circulation of people. 1.3.1. The Protocol between Belgium and Italy concerning the recruiting of Italian workers and their settling in Belgium 20th June 1946 (agreement signed in Rome on 23rd June 1946)(1(. -The agreement concerns the supplying of 50,000 Italian workers for the mines, in exchange for the right to get 200Kg of coal per miner and per day paid by Italy. -The contracts have in the beginning a length of 12 months. -A selection is made among the candidates at the departure in Italy: it is both a physical selection with a medical visit and a police selection(if possible politically inoffensive workers are recruited; a representative of the Belgian criminal investigation department makes a selection among the candidates). -The Italian workers are divided into the 5 coal areas (Liege, Mons, Centre, Charleroi, Campine). In each area, the Italian government delegates a man of trust to make sure that the work is done properly and that the Italian miners interests are respected. -The Belgian government must make sure that coalmines bring: food as much as possible in accordance with the eating habits of the workers; decent accommodation furnished and at a moderate price; work conditions, social advantages and salaries established on the same bases as for Belgian miners. The agreement is a success: one train per week (+/- 2000 workers). From June 1946 to December 1949, more than 77000 Italians are recruited. In reality, we have to wonder about the respect of the commitments made by Belgium as regards housing (Belgium is in fact unable to accommodate properly such a quantity of workers) and work conditions (ex.: accidents at work, with +/- 1000 persons killed in 10 years). In July 1948, a mixed Italian-Belgian commission is set up to examine the life and work conditions of the Italian workers and to make sure that the equality of treatment with their Belgian colleagues is respected. 1.3.2. The catastrophe at the Bois du Cazier and the stopping of Italian immigration In 1956-57, coalmines still suffer from a labour shortage and still call on foreign workers: (Polish and above all Hungarian) political refugees but above all Greek and Spanish nationals. Why Greece and Spain and no longer Italy? The work conditions of miners and especially the security issue and the accidents at work caused between February and August 1956 a reaction of the Italian government which questioned the security measures taken in mines. It especially asked some precisions concerning the number of fatal accidents. It restricted the immigration of its nationals in Belgium, the quotas of Italian workers were refused to coalmines in which security was considered inadequate. The mixed Belgian-Italian Commission got together between April and July 1956 but the catastrophe at the Bois du Cazier put an end to all discussions. On 8th August 1956, a human mistake causes a fire in the coalmine of the Bois du Cazier situated in Marcinelle near Charleroi. Out of the 262 victims, 136 are Italians. This accident caused a reinforcement of the security measures but also the stopping of Italian immigration in mines. A new Belgian-Italian protocol signed on 11th December 1957 envisaged to start again the recruitment of Italians to work in mines but it did not have any effect. The hired miners would from them on come from other countries. 1.3.3. The free circulation of people for nationals from member countries of the European Union is given concrete expression in 1968 in Regulation 1612/68 and directive 68/360 of 15th October: -no more exit and entry visa, free crossing of borders (passport or identity card only); -abolition of the work permission and permit; -elimination of all discrimination in the access to employment in comparison with national workers (however, we have to wait until the Treaty of Maastricht of 7th February 1992 for the access to public jobs to be opened to nationals from member countries). A national from a member country of the UE doesnt need a work permit any longer to enter the Belgian employment market. All discriminations are eliminated: no more conditions for the access to and the practice of a job, the special recruitment procedures are abrogated. At legal/juridical level Italians go from the immigrant status (with all legal dispositions and regulations applying to this status) to the status of national from a member state of the Community. From then on, the dispositions taken as regards immigration, which only apply to people from countries outside the EU, no longer concern Italians. However, they remain subject to the legislation as regards the access to naturalization. Free circulation is a right for European citizens (and no longer workers) but a right only reserved for citizens from member countries. For an analysis of the influence of Italian immigration on the Walloon society, see: M. Dumoulin et L. Blanchart, 1946-1996 : cinquante ans dimmigration et de mutations culturelles en Wallonie, dans: Wallons dici et dailleurs. La socit wallonne depuis la libration, Charleroi, Institut Jules Destre, 1996. The sheet devoted to this article is on-line in the part Analysis of publications.  HYPERLINK "http://www.wallonie-en-ligne.net/1996_Societe-wallonne-depuis-Liberation/1996_WIA_Dumoulin-M_Blanchart-L.htm" http://www.wallonie-en-ligne.net/1996_Societe-wallonne-depuis-Liberation/1996_WIA_Dumoulin-M_Blanchart-L.htm This article deals with an important and sometimes neglected aspect of migration phenomena: the exchanges between communities and the cultural influence in the general sense of the word (from eating habits to mode or literature to cinema) that an immigrant population can have in the settling country. It also broaches the issue of the progressive integration of Italian migrants and of their image in the Belgian public opinion highlighting the turning point that the catastrophe at the Bois du Cazier represents. 1.4. Sources: annotated bibliography NB. All the works registered in this bibliography have been the object of a sheet in the analysis of publications. J. Y. Carlier et A. Rea, Les trangers en Belgique, Dossiers du CRISP n 21, novembre 2001. I. Doyen, Evolution des politiques migratoires, ADDE, 2007. La Belgique et ses immigrs. Les politiques manques, Pol-His, De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1997. A. Martens, Les immigrs. Flux et reflux dune main-duvre dappoint, EVO-Presses universitaires de Louvain, Louvain, 1976. M. Martiniello, A. Rea et F. Dassetto (Ed.), Immigration et intgration en Belgique francophone. Etat des savoirs, Academia Bruylant, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2007. M. Martiniello et A. Rea, Et si on racontait Une histoire de limmigration en Belgique, Communaut franaise DoB, Bruxelles, sd. Migration. Rapport annuel migration 2008, Centre pour lgalit des chances et la lutte contre le racisme, Bruxelles, 2009. A. Morelli, Lappel la main-duvre italienne pour les charbonnages et sa prise en charge son arrive en Belgique dans limmdiat aprs-guerre, dans: Revue belge dHistoire contemporaine, 1988, 1-2, pp. 83-130. A. Morelli (Dir.), Histoire des trangers et de limmigration en Belgique, de la prhistoire nos jours, 2me dition, Bruxelles, 2004. 2. The Legal Aspect 2.1. The spirit of the laws: the attitude towards people who arrive The laws, rules and judicial precedents constituting the context of the immigration and work policy cannot be isolated from the socioeconomic climate in which they see the light. So, there is often an immigration regulation and limitation when the unemployment rate is high to prevent foreign workers from competing with Belgian ones. This regulation is applied with far less severity in a good economic situation when there is a great demand for workforce. Likewise, the legislation has been influenced by the sets of themes broached in the political debate and the content of the compromises that have been reached on the different aspects of the issue: economical immigration, family reunification, naturalization, right to vote, issue of refugee candidates and of illegal immigrant workers, etc. The juridical and legislative context is double: - the legislation on the occupation of foreign workforce; - the legislation in relation to the entry and the stay on the Belgian territory. Next to this restrictive legislation, the setting up of an integration policy in the beginning of the 80s was accompanied by legal dispositions meant to give concrete expression to it: nationality Code, law against racism and xenophobia, right to vote for the local elections, decrees of regions, communities, etc. For a history of the legislation concerning the fight against racism and discriminations and a picture of the present situation:  HYPERLINK "http://www.diversite.be/?action=onderdeel&onderdeel=12&titel=L%C3%A9gislation" http://www.diversite.be/?action=onderdeel&onderdeel=12&titel=L%C3%A9gislation  HYPERLINK "http://www.jeminforme.be/citoyennete/discriminations/page_discriminations.htm" http://www.jeminforme.be/citoyennete/discriminations/page_discriminations.htm The Treaty of Rome and the dispositions taken later to guarantee the free circulation of people, the equality of rights and of the access to jobs have an influence on the immigration issue. According to that, we have indeed to distinguish from 1968 on the criteria in force for nationals from the EU (among whom Italians) and the criteria for foreigners from outside the EU. 2.2. The concrete aspect The legislative acts mentioned below have been the subject of a sheet in the part Analysis of laws. We can find there a description of the content and an analysis of their role in the evolution of immigration in Belgium. The legislation on the occupation of foreign workforce -Royal order 285 of 31st March 1936 completing and coordinating the dispositions in relation to the use of foreign workforce. -Protocol between Italy and Belgium concerning the recruiting of Italian workers and their settling in Belgium (20th June 1946). -Regulation (EEC) n 1612/68 by the Council, of 15th October 1968, in relation to the free circulation of workers within the Community. -Directive 68/360/EEC by the Council, of 15th October 1968, in relation to the abolition of the restrictions to the moving and the stay of workers from member states and of their family within the Community. -Pact on immigration and asylum. Pact passed by the Heads of States and governments during the European Council (15th-16th October 2008). The legislation in relation to the entry and the stay on the Belgian territory Law on the foreigners police (26th March 1952). Royal order of 20th May 1965 in relation to the granting to migrant workers of an allowance for travel costs of their family members. Regulation (EEC) n 1612/68 by the Council, of 15th October 1968, in relation to the free circulation of workers within the Community. Directive 68/360/EEC by the Council, of 15th October 1968, in relation to the abolition of the restrictions to the moving and the stay of workers from member states and of their family within the Community. Law on the access to the territory, the stay, the settling and the expulsion of foreigners (15th December 1980). Law in relation to certain aspects of the foreigners condition and instituting the Nationality Code (28th June 1984). The integration policy Royal order of 20th May 1965 in relation to the granting to migrant workers of an allowance for travel costs of their family members. Law in relation to certain aspects of the foreigners condition and instituting the Nationality Code (28th June 1984). Decree of 4th July 1996 in relation to the integration of foreign people or people of foreign origin. Decree of 30th April 2009 modifying the decree of 4th July 1996 in relation to the integration of foreign people or people of foreign origin. Law modifying the law of 30th July 1981 on the punishment of certain acts inspired by racism or xenophobia (10th May 2007). 2.3. Sources: list of rferences NB. All these references have been the subject of a sheet in the analysis of laws. -Royal order 285 of 31st March 1936 completing and coordinating the dispositions in relation to the use of foreign workforce. -Protocol between Italy and Belgium concerning the recruiting of Italian workers and their settling in Belgium (20th June 1946). -Law on the foreigners police (26th March 1952). -Royal order of 20th May 1965 in relation to the granting to migrant workers of an allowance for travel costs of their family members. -Regulation (EEC) n 1612/68 by the Council, of 15th October 1968, in relation to the free circulation of workers within the Community. -Directive 68/360/EEC by the Council, of 15th October 1968, in relation to the abolition of the restrictions to the moving and the stay of workers from member states and of their family within the Community. -Law on the access to the territory, the stay, the settling and the expulsion of foreigners (15th December 1980). -Law in relation to certain aspects of the foreigners condition and instituting the Nationality Code (28th June 1984). -Decree of 4th July 1996 in relation to the integration of foreign people or people of foreign origin. -Decree of 30th April 2009 modifying the decree of 4th July 1996 in relation to the integration of foreign people or people of foreign origin. -Law modifying the law of 30th July 1981 on the punishment of certain acts inspired by racism or xenophobia (10th May 2007). -Pact on immigration and asylum. Pact passed by the Heads of States and governments during the European Council (15th-16th October 2008). 3. The experience of immigration 3.1. Which kinds of documents did we collect? Scientific surveys / works Evidence, memoirs Articles from magazines Exhibition catalogues Educational files Statistical collections Web sites and articles 3.2. Which areas do they concern? The whole of Belgium Wallonia Some particular or symbolic places (ex.: the Bois du Cazier) 3.3. Which kind(s) of realities or problems do they show (human rights, work, cultural integration, religious difference, etc)? History of immigration in Belgium: causes, roles assigned to immigration, stages, nationalities of the immigrants. Statistical data: number of people, nationalities, geographical distribution and distribution by economic sector. Evolution of the legislation and of the Belgian policy as regards immigration. Everyday life and existence conditions of immigrants, integration problems, relations with the Belgian population and vision of the latter on migrants. Influence on the Belgian society: economical, demographic, cultural, etc. Particular events (ex.: the catastrophe at the Bois du Cazier) and their repercussions. 3.4. The interviews: The immigrants who arrived in Belgium when they were very young (round the age of 5-6) adapted themselves better than those who arrived when they were teenagers or adults. The oldest ones have always seen themselves as rootless. Most of them have known very difficult life conditions when they arrived, but they were usually given a quite warm welcome by the local populations who liked their cheerfulness, their food, their songs, their warm family atmosphere, etc. Some immigrants have felt a form of racism towards themselves and also jealousy, because Italians used to buy houses and to help each other, there was a certain solidarity among them. They were called bloody Eyeties . Such short sentences hurt a lot and reinforce the feeling of difference. But once the people know each other more intimately, this jealousy and this racism diminish. Some immigrants have experienced their departure as a tragedy and others as an exciting adventure, above all children who were coming to meet again some relatives in Belgium. Some immigrants have known misery when they arrived while others were living in good conditions thanks to relatives, friends or neighbours. If they could go back in time, some of them would prefer to stay in Italy but most of them are happy about their journey. As time went by, the immigrants integrated into the host country, the language and the way of life of which they have learned. Some of them have worked in mines, and then in factories, others have studied, etc. Little by little, they have improved their life conditions and most of them have started a family in Belgium. Thats why their future is here, even though they still feel Italian and regularly go back to Italy. Many of them will always feel foreign in their host country, even though they have chosen to remain there forever. As far as the local populations are concerned, we can notice that a lot of prejudices have vanished by living with immigrants, either at school, or at work. Little by little, Belgians have understood that the immigrants had not chosen to leave, but that it was an economical necessity for them. Then we learned that there had been some political agreements between the two countries. After the war, some workforce was needed in Belgium and the Belgian workers preferred to go and work in factories rather than in mines. The two case studies From the interviews and all the collected documents, we have chosen to propose two case studies, each linking some evidence and archive documents (work contract, work permit, etc.), articles and legal texts together. 3.5.1. First case study: carried out from the experience of Franois SCALZO The elements taken from the interviews, from the book written by Franois SCALZO and from the archive documents allow us to relate the journey of an Italian immigrant in Belgium in the years 1946 1950. These elements can be structured and contextualized by comparing them with Anne Morellis article (Lappel la main-duvre italienne pour les charbonnages et sa prise en charge son arrive en Belgique dans limmdiat aprs-guerre) and the legal texts: Protocol between Italy and Belgium concerning the recruiting of Italian workers and their settling in Belgium 20th June 1946. Royal order 285 of 31st March 1936 completing and coordinating the dispositions in relation to the use of foreign workforce. This case study allows us to develop the following subjects: The causes of emigration and the recruitment in Italy: The causes of emigration are essentially economical with the economical crisis and the unemployment in Italy (mainly in the Southern part of the country). When it starts, immigration is male and economical, without a definitive settling but the situation evolves quite quickly with the arrival of the migrants families. The recruitment in Italy is centralized in Milan. The candidates are selected and receive little information about the nature of the work in Belgium. The legal conditions: A double permission is required: - a work permit for the worker that cannot be obtained without the presentation of a work contract; - an occupation permission for the employer. The life conditions and the reception in Belgium. The integration: Life conditions: problem of the decent accommodation provided in principle by the employers. Very quickly, the Italians try to find accommodation outside these estates but this poses some problems. Integration: immigration is sometimes experienced as a threat by Belgian workers. Immigration is a regulation instrument of the employment market. We can notice the importance of work, of school and of associations in the integration process. The reception and the relations with the Belgian population: misappreciation, mistrust or hostility; unpleasant events or words; uprooting. 3.5.2. Second case study: carried out from the experience of Priest Alberto Gabbiadini In 1931, Alberto Gabbiadini (who was then 4 years old) leaves the country with his mother, his father having already been in Belgium since 1929. All the rest of the family stays in Italy. In 1929, his father left Italy to flee from the fascist regime under Mussolini, he went to work in a mine in the Borinage in Belgium to save his family from misery. The experience of Alberto Gabbiadini allows us to study an older stage of the Italian immigration in Belgium, to observe the characteristics of it and to compare the successive stages of immigration. What also makes this experience particularly interesting is Alberto Gabbiadinis double vision: the vision of an Italian immigrant who has spent his life helping the next generations of immigrants, of all origins, to integrate at best in their host country. 4. Best practices of integration: some examples 4.1. LCO Project (Language and Culture of Origin) in the French-speaking Community (Wallonia + Brussels-Capital Region)  HYPERLINK "http://www.enseignement.be/lco" www.enseignement.be/lco Within the context of a partnership between the French-speaking Community and six countries (Greece, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, Portugal and Romania), the schools that wish it can offer Language and Culture of Origin (LCO) courses to their pupils from primary school and from the first degree of secondary school (to the three degrees of secondary school for Romania). Two kinds of LCO courses are offered: - a language and culture of origin acquisition course for the pupils who wish it; - an intercultural open-mindedness course in which the culture of these countries of origin is shared with all the pupils in the classroom in the perspective of an education to cultural diversity. A teacher, appointed by the authorities of the country of origin, is posted to the school. He constitutes a privileged resource-person for the teaching staff, the children and the parents. 4.2. Calls to projects in the schools of the French-speaking Community (Wallonia + Brussels-Capital Region) Calls to interdisciplinary projects aiming to give a training about the immigration issue Objectives: -fight against racism and xenophobia; -educate about citizenship; -favour the better live together. The action will aim to realize an interdisciplinary project at class level or at school level that will allow the pupils involved in it to understand the elements of the historical, geopolitical and economical contexts of the migration phenomena that Belgium knew in the 20th century.  HYPERLINK "http://www.adm.cfwb.be/upload/docs/2884_20090420093108.pdf" http://www.adm.cfwb.be/upload/docs/2884_20090420093108.pdf Calls to projects aiming to develop cooperation actions between Belgian schools from mixed sociocultural environments Objectives: -promote the social and cultural mix through education; -fight against prejudices; -favour the better live together. The action will turn on a common project that must be defined between two socioculturally distant schools () This common project will allow the elaboration of partnership links between teachers and pupils based on a better knowledge and recognition of the other.  HYPERLINK "http://www.adm.cfwb.be/upload/docs/2886_20090420144548.pdf" http://www.adm.cfwb.be/upload/docs/2886_20090420144548.pdf NB. These calls to projects are organized within the framework of the governmental programme of action for the promotion of the equality women-men, of interculturality and of social inclusion passed by the government of the French-speaking Community of Belgium in 2005  HYPERLINK "http://www.egalite.cfwb.be/fileadmin/sites/sdec/upload/sdec_super_editor/sdec_editor/documents/Accueil/Programme_d_action_gouvernemental_egalite__intercult__incl_2005.pdf" http://www.egalite.cfwb.be/fileadmin/sites/sdec/upload/sdec_super_editor/sdec_editor/documents/Accueil/Programme_d_action_gouvernemental_egalite__intercult__incl_2005.pdf 4.3. The campaigns and actions of the Centre for the equality of opportunity and the fight against racism (whole Belgian territory) See the sheet devoted to the Centre in the analysis of publications. As far as immigration is concerned, the Centre for the equality of opportunity notably organizes public awareness campaigns and actions: -in schools with the organization of competitions; -for the general public. The Centre notably takes part on 18th December in the International Migrants Day instituted by the general meeting of the UNO. The theme of the last campaign organized in this context was: we are all children of migrants. The Cast me campaign currently organized by the Centre is centred on the discrimination issue in the use of young people of foreign origin.  HYPERLINK "http://www.diversite.be/" http://www.diversite.be/ 4.4. Annoncer la Couleur, Belgian federal public awareness programme concerning the relations North-South Since 1997, Annoncer la Couleur has aimed to make young people from the age of 12 sensitive to issues concerning development, international solidarity and socially aware commitment. This programme offers teachers, compres and social workers diverse tools and activities to broach these sets of themes with young people: -Free training days and educational files on the themes of the different campaigns -Local community-based cultural activities -Lending of educational tools in each province -A support of young peoples projects thanks to a support of projects -A list of educational tools These tools bring some information in a spirit of open-mindedness and try to broaden the knowledge and the vision that young people have of the world so that they become critical and responsible actors. They are also designed to become integrated into the syllabi (History, Geography, Religious Education, Moral Philosophy, Social Sciences, French, etc.). The ultimate aim of the plan of action Annoncer la Couleur is to allow teachers to integrate the theme of the relations North-South to the subjects seen according to the syllabi.  HYPERLINK "http://www.annoncerlacouleur.be/" http://www.annoncerlacouleur.be/ 4.5. Institut dhistoire ouvrire, conomique et sociale (IHOES) (Institute of labour, economical and social history) Founded in 1979 by Michel Hannotte and Ren Deprez, the Institut dhistoire ouvrire, conomique et sociale (IHOES) is an independent and pluralistic non-profit-making organization that pursues a double aim: the safeguarding and the keeping of any kind of documents in relation to the history of the world of work and of the workers condition, of the socioeconomic movements and of the ideas that are associated with them (pacifism, feminism, immigration, student groups, etc.) the development of this documentary patrimony through publications, exhibitions and diverse events (lectures, colloquiums, etc.); the collections of the Institute can also be consulted by students and researchers. The IHOES benefits from a double recognition by the French-speaking Community as a Service gnral dducation permanente/ General Service of Continuing Education (decree of 2003) and as a Centre darchives prives/ Centre of Private Archives (decree of 1994). Since its creation, the activities of the Institute have concerned the whole territory of the French-speaking Community.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ihoes.be/" http://www.ihoes.be/ 4.6. Groupe de Rflexion et dAction pour une Pdagogie Progressiste et Alternative (GRAPPA)/ Reflexion and Action Group for a Progressive and Alternative Education The non-profit-making organization GRAPPA organizes trainings for adults, public awareness activities concerning cultural diversity in primary schools, extracurricular courses for children from 3 to 12 years old. It also offers a documentation centre for teachers and future teachers, parents and compres, and also exhibition activities on different themes. It also puts at their disposal the Espace Grappa/ Grappa Space for diverse cultural events. During the school year 2009-2010, the non-profit-making organization GRAPPA will lead the project Lcole des sentiers multiples that will involve 16 classes in primary education. For the project Racine et lumire, the non-profit-making organization GRAPPA will work with a community centre, a group of people learning to read and write and a youth club. Address : Asbl GRAPPA rue Jardon, 44 4800 Verviers Tel: 087/352148 Fax: 087/352148 Website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.grappa.be/" \o "blocked::http://www.grappa.be/" www.grappa.be Blog:  HYPERLINK "http://grappa.skynetblogs.be" \t "_blank" http://grappa.skynetblogs.be E-mail: grappa@skynet.be 4.7. Summary about citizenship in the French-speaking Community Published by the educational coordination unit Dmocratie ou barbarie/ Democracy or barbarism of the Ministry of the French-speaking Community, this summary offers the references of more than 200 associations and institutions that are active in the field of citizenship. We can notably find in it some interesting supports in matters like the fight against racism and xenophobia, immigration problems, the right of asylum, etc. The summary is sent free of charge on request to all teachers in the French-speaking Community. Address : Dmocratie ou barbarie Local 3F338 Rue Lavalle 1 1080 Bruxelles Tel : 02 690 83 52 / 53 /54 Fax : 02 690 85 84 Website :  HYPERLINK "http://www.enseignement.be/dob" www.enseignement.be/dob E-mail :  HYPERLINK "mailto:dob@cfwb.be" dob@cfwb.be or  HYPERLINK "mailto:philippe.plumet@cfwb.be" philippe.plumet@cfwb.be [1] M. MARTINIELLO et A. REA, Et si on racontait Une histoire de limmigration en Belgique, Communaut franaise DoB, Bruxelles, sd., p. 12. [2] M. MARTINIELLO et A. REA, op. cit., p. 16. (1( See on this subject: A. Morelli, Lappel la main-duvre italienne pour les charbonnages et sa prise en charge son arrive en Belgique dans limmdiat aprs-guerre, dans: Revue belge dHistoire contemporaine, XIX, 1988, 1-2, pp. 83-130. The sheet devoted to this article is on-line in the part Analysis of publications.  HYPERLINK "http://www.flwi.ugent.be/btng-rbhc/pdf/BTNG-RBHC,%2019,%201988,%201-2,%20pp%20083-130.pdf" http://www.flwi.ugent.be/btng-rbhc/pdf/BTNG-RBHC,%2019,%201988,%201-2,%20pp%20083-130.pdf        Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 32  ?Wijkmpr¦nXI;/Ih|CJ aJ mH sH jh|UmHnHuh|5OJQJ^JmH sH +h|B*CJ&OJQJ^JaJ&mH phsH 7h|B*CJ0OJPJQJ^JaJ0mH nH ph3fsH tH 7h|B*CJ(OJPJQJ^JaJ(mH nH ph3fsH tH 7h|B*CJHOJPJQJ^JaJHmH nH ph3fsH tH 1h|5B*CJZOJQJ\^JaJZmH phsH 9h|>*B*CJ`OJQJ\^JaJ`mH nHph3fsH tHh|mH sH ?Wijklmr $a$ $da$ $7$8$H$a$  " # $ ļwfQ;($h|5CJOJQJ\^JmH sH +h|5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (h|5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH  h|5OJQJ\^JmH sH h|5OJQJ^JmH sH h|OJQJ^JmH sH h|CJaJmH sH 6h|5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nH phsH tH h|mH sH h|5OJQJ^JmH sH +h|B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH +h|B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH  " # $ 1 > GHZ[v$ ha$ $dh^a$ $dha$ h&$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$ 1 GHYZ[v轧y[:4h|6CJOJPJQJ]^JaJmH nH sH tH @h}h|56CJOJPJQJ\]^JaJmH nH sH tH :h}56CJOJPJQJ\]^JaJmH nH sH tH *h|5>*CJOJQJ\]^JmH sH .h|5>*CJOJQJ\]^JaJmH sH +h|5CJOJQJ\]^JaJmH sH "h|CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 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