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The Italians, especially the farmers who left the countryside to look for a job and decent conditions of life, went to work in the mines and factories; the women were also cooks, ironers and hairdressers. A bilateral agreement in July 1946 gave an impulse to the massive Italian emigration. The tragedy of Marcinelle in August 1956 was a symbol of it. The emigration had economic effects (like the remittances in hard currency and the reinvest of savings, once back home), political effects (like the vote of the Italians abroad), social effects (like the creation of associations for the social welfare and at work), cultural effects (in films, songs, novels, historiographical works, museums of emigration). Moreover, following the Italian Constitution, also in the regional areas a series of laws supporting the emigrants have been passed (as, for example, the Statute of Regione Umbria and the Twinning Protocol between Foligno and La Louvire in 1996). The documents we collected show us the emigrants integration (in the social, work and school life) and the improvement of their life conditions in comparison to their past lifestyle . The interviews and the memories give a general positive opinion of the migratory experience, seen as a process of personal and social emancipation. However, they also stress the difficulties the emigrant had, especially for the language, and recall a kind of widespread discrimination, based on the classical stereotypes about the Italians. In addition, they dont remember particular racist acts, nor good practices, even if they admit they received help from some Belgian families or people not belonging to their family circle. 1. Historical features 1.1. The social and economical context of emigration/immigration from the country Since the Great Depression of the second half of the 19th century, Italy has been an emigration country. From 1876 to 1988 there were 26,756,000 emigrants, of whom 14,197,000 to European countries and 12,559,000 to extra-European ones. In some times, the political exile, rooted in the Risorgimento (Italian struggle for independence) and extended up to the fascist period, has been interlinked to the economic-social motivation. During the 50s and the 60s, Italy (object of our research) was a country coming out from 20 years of fascist dictatorship and from incalculable material and moral damages, produced by the Second World War. To the veterans unemployment, we can add the one caused by the difficult reconversion of war economy, not absorbable by the Country reconstruction. In addition, a consistent number of peasants-sharecroppers and southern farm workers left the farm lands to seek a job and better life conditions in the towns. The general urban drift may be added and interlinked to the massive phenomena of emigration towards the Northern industrial triangle (Turin, Milan, Genoa) or abroad, towards the European countries, unlike the previous migratory wave (between the 19th and the 20th c.), mostly directed across the Atlantic. Among the European countries, Belgium, not a new country for the Italian emigration, was one of the chosen destinations. In those years, we witnessed a radical change: thanks to the end of the fifties economic miracle, to which also the setting up of the European Common Market contributed, Italy could enter the industrialized countries list, overcoming some backwardness and the past poverty, until the migratory balance became positive, between the seventies and the eighties. Such a rapid economic growth involved a high social price: the stressing and worsening of the imbalance between the North and the South and between the towns and the countryside; the escape of considerable human energies from the Country; hundreds of thousands peoples sufferings (i.e. the tragedy in the Marcinelle mines in August 1956, in which 136 Italians died, out of the 262 victims). The Umbrian area had a relevant role in the migration phenomenon: from 1872 to 1981 it registered a negative migratory balance of 270,000 people out of a population of about 600,000 inhabitants. Well 110,000 Umbrian people emigrated during the twenty-year period between 1952 and 1971. This phenomenon, added to the urban drift, caused the halving of the population in some high hill and mountain villages. Other towns, like Foligno, thanks to the urban drift from the countryside and to the local industrial development, maintained a solid positive demographic balance (17,9%, from 1951 to 1981). 1.2. Chronological references 1861, Unification of Italy. 1873-96, Great Depression. 1876-1910, massive emigration across the Atlantic ocean. 1956-60, the migratory flux towards Europe overcomes the extra-European one. 1946, 23 July, bilateral agreement between Italy and Belgium: labour vs. coal. 1946-57, Italian emigration in Belgium involves 216,315 people: the negative balance is of 159,411 people. 1956, 8th August, tragedy in the mines of Marcinelle. 1957, origin of the Common European Market 1959-62 economic miracle: Italy becomes an industrial country 1974: turning point of migratory balance 1.3. Historical links between two countries: Italy/Belgium Belgium independence in 1830 had important political effects on the liberal-democratic movement for the Italian independence. After the Unification of Italy (1861), the migratory movement towards Belgium was consistent. In the period between the two world wars, besides the organization of the Fasci (National Fascist Party) abroad and the cultural exchanges between the two Countries, we witnessed the link between the two reigning families: at the beginning of 1930, Maria Jos of Belgium married the Principe di Piemonte, Umberto, heir to the Italian throne. Actually, Maria Jos was Queen of Italy just for a few weeks, from the beginning of May to the beginning of June 1946, when Italy was proclaimed a republic. The postwar relationships developed mostly through bilateral agreements of economic collaboration, based on the demand of labour from Belgium, and the surplus of workers and the need of raw materials (coal) from Italy. So, already in July 1946 a first agreement was stipulated. From the Umbrian area, and from Foligno too, a lot of emigrants had already gone to Belgium since 1800; there, they created political and trade union associations, and promoted cultural exchanges which also came to recent twinning ventures, like that, for example, between Foligno e La Louvire (15th September 1996). 1.4. The (economical, political, social, cultural) effect of emigration/immigration Emigrants too have contributed to the economical development of the Country, both through the remittances of hard currency and through the commercial agreements with the countries of destination, as in the case of Belgium. Moreover, those who came back to Italy invested here their savings, either in economic and commercial activities or in the reclaim of farms once abandoned and in the renewal of rural properties, thus contributing to the protection and the improvement of the rural landscape. Also in the second postwar emigration, we can trace a first political effect: it worked as a safety valve of all the social tensions in the work market, caused by the redundancies due to the industrial reorganizations and by the massive drift from the farm lands. It was a social tension also linked to the political effects of the Cold War. We can notice other political effects, even though they havent been analyzed yet: the presence of diplomatic representations and consular offices, the agreements between States for an economic and cultural collaboration; the political influence of the Italians vote in a foreign country; the setting up of aid agencies (trade unions and religious associations) for the workers and their families abroad; the building of a political pro-Europe culture. Other cultural effects have been more studied: cinema, visual arts, music and songs, poems and novels based on the themes of emigration and exile; the setting up of emigration regional councils (like in Umbria) and emigration museums (like the one in Gualdo Tadino in Umbria,  HYPERLINK "http://www.emigrazione.it/inglese/default1.htm" http://www.emigrazione.it/inglese/default1.htm) ; twinning between towns and relating cultural exchanges; training of the teaching staff assigned to Italian schools and Institutes of Italian culture abroad; memorial documents, historiographical tradition and books on this theme. Finally, we cant underestimate a widespread cultural effect, that is the mental and psychological open-minded attitude towards the foreigner. For example, in some high-migratory-rate countries, often local people helped the prisoners and the refugees during the Second World War. 1.5. Sources: an annotated bibliography Ugo Ascoli, Movimenti migratori in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna 1979 Ercole Sori, Lemigrazione italiana dallUnit alla seconda guerra mondiale, Il Mulino, Bologna 1979. Luciano Tosi, Lemigrazione italiana allestero in et giolittiana. Il caso umbro, Olschki, Firenze 1983. Luigi Tittarelli, Evoluzione demografica dallUnit a oggi, in Renato Covino e Giampaolo Gallo (a cura di), Storia dItalia. Le regioni dallUnit a oggi. LUmbria, Einaudi, Torino 1989. Piero Bevilacqua, Andreina De Clementi, Emilio Franzina (a cura di), Partenze, Donzelli, Roma 2001. Id., Arrivi, Donzelli, Roma 2002. AA.VV., Per terre assai lontane. Dalla storia delle migrazioni ad una nuova idea di cittadinanza, a cura di Dino Renato Nardelli, Editoriale Umbra, Foligno 2002. Anne Morelli, Gli italiani del Belgio. Storia e storie di due secoli di migrazioni, Editoriale Umbra, Foligno 2004. Emilio Franzina, Una patria espatriata. Lealt nazionale e caratteri regionali nellimmigrazione italiana allestero (secoli XIX e XX), Sette Citt, Viterbo 2007. 2. The legal aspect 2.1. The spirit of the laws: the attitude towards people who go Despite the anti-migratory policy of Fascism, the Constitution of the Italian Republic, in force from 1st January 1948, sanctions the freedom of emigration (art. 16): Every citizen is free to leave the territory of the Republic and to return to it, except for legal obligations. Moreover, art. 35, confirming the freedom of emigration, sanctions the protection of Italian work abroad. On the basis of these principles, several agreements of cooperation and exchanges with the different immigration Countries have been subscribed. Since the institution of Regional Councils and Governments (1970), a kind of regulations, localized in the various regional areas of the country, has been developed. These rules have a relevant role in the effective fallout of the Italian Constitution, above all in the fields of the social welfare, of the safeguard of workers, of the cultural exchanges. It is this the case of the Umbrian Region. We can therefore say that the spirit informing the whole legislative acts outlines the emigrants rights and duties and his/her full personal and social dignity. 2.2. The concrete aspect: rules, limits, opportunities The practical social-cultural aspects concern: the regularity of the migratory movements (for work, study, touristic reasons), with possible bilateral agreements; the reception (concerning house, job, leisure time and health aspects); the linguistic and cultural integration, particularly cared by Italian schools and Institutes for Italian culture abroad. The political aspects especially concern the double citizenship issue and the emigrants vote during the political elections in Italy. Other important matters to consider are the right of political asylum, the extradition and the relationship between emigration and crime. For example, there has been much political and public debate in Italy, recently, about some requests (from the Italian Government) for the extradition of some people condemned for acts of terrorism. Besides the national regulations, the local rules are very important, too. In fact, for example, the Statute of Regione Umbria, passed in April 2005, following the principles of the European Union and of the well managed migration policies and reception procedures, says that the Region keeps and develops the cultural, social and economic links with the Umbrians living abroad, with their families and associations; promotes their involvement in the life of the regional community and in the activities organized by the Region in the countries of residence; facilitates their possible return and reintegration in Umbria. Following the regional regulations, single townships, like Foligno, subscribed twinning protocols with the main towns of immigration of its own citizens. 2.3. Sources: a list of references to legal acts - The Constitution of the Italian Republic, 1st January 1948. - Exchange agreement between Italy and Belgium, 23rd July 1946. - Agreement between Italy and Belgium for the abolition of visa on passports, 3rd January 1950. -International Convention among Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg about the free circulation of people and goods (application of the Schengen Agreements of 14th June 1985), 19th June 1990. - Twinning Protocol between the towns of Foligno and La Louvire, 15th September 1996. - Statute of Regione Umbria, 16th April 2005. 3. The experience of emigration: documents collected 3.1. Which kind of documents did we collect ? a typological classification The documents we collected, except for the oral sources (interviews) with which we will deal farther on, belong to three big documentary areas: the official area, the public area, the private and personal area. The first one contains a big amount of identity documents: passports, visas, residence permits, birth and marriage certificates, identity cards, school reports and certificates, Health Service Cards, work permits and wage packets, records. In these documents there are often passport photos. The second area includes: statistics, elaborated by various National and regional Research Centers, volumes with memories or studies on the Italian emigration, photos and articles taken from magazines (also Web articles), materials concerning folk memory (toponomy, films and songs, photos and videos on the tragedy of Marcinelle). To the third area belong: personal objects, exercise books, photos (individual, group and family ones); family videos, written memories about the family migratory history. 3.2. Which area do they concern ? The official material often concern a single country of origin or arrival, as in the case of identity or residence documents, or of the school reports. Besides the National Ministerial competence, there is the role of the local Offices, especially for the release of the Health cards and work permits and for the protection of work. As for the last case, the area is limited within the scope of the single firm. The bibliographic material too is usually within either the National or the regional and local scopes. In particular, the statistics allows a comparison between National and local areas, besides other European countries. A particular space is occupied by the material concerning the mine and the tragedy of Marcinelle (photos, booklets, articles) and the life in the town of La Louvire. Finally, several photos describe people in their daily life spaces (work places, classrooms, courtyards), during their holidays in the countryside, in public ceremonies like marriage services, or in their journey back. 3.3. Which kind of reality, and of problems too, do they show? We can notice relatively long stays in Belgium (on average about 10-15 years), especially of people who, having left early, were joined by the family later on or were married in Belgium, or of those who were born there, went to school there and made a family too. The official documents, therefore, mirror stories of life and mark its most important moments: the job, the marriage, the childrens birth and their school integration, the possible way back home. As two Italian students, involved in the project, wrote about a work permit, also an official document has an emotional impact, since it is part of a lived story. As far as work is concerned, we documented its regulations (work permits and contracts), its deaths (Marcinelle and the funeral of a dead workmate), its moments of happiness (photos to be sent to Italy), the female emancipation (the job of cook and hairdresser). If the photo of the cardboard suitcase shows us the extreme poverty of the leaving conditions, other pictures, especially portraits of children at school or of people in traditional local costumes, underline the social integration in Belgium. The improvement of the life conditions is evident, even though some printed memories underline peoples disappointments and sufferings. Finally, some documents show us the different approach of the Country towards emigration: from the spiritual dangers of emigration underlined by the local Church, to the grief of emigration in a song by Equipe 84 (an Italian band of the 60-70s) of 1971 and in a film by Fulvio Wetlz of 2007. 3.4. The interviews: The prevailing attitude towards the migratory experience is positive; it is seen as a process of ones own personal and social emancipation and as the realization of a better future for their own family. The memory of the hopes and of the youth pushes the troubles and the sacrifices into the background. Among the difficulties, the problem of the language, essential means of communication and integration, stands out against all. It is also through the language that we can notice the main discrimination between who, at their arrival, were welcomed by their family and their fellows and those who, on the contrary, were moved to the shacks and to their work place. In the first case, in fact, the impact was smoothed by the protection of the group, and even later on, the non-learning of the language wasnt an obstacle to the communication within the Italian community. This fact on one hand represented a protected world especially for women, but on the other hand kept them isolated. Nevertheless, even if they didnt learn the language, women were more curious about the local habits and traditions and practiced a non-verbal daily communication, based on gestures and things: while shopping, exchanging recipes, following their children at school and in their games. In the second case, having to face a more difficult situation in establishing new social relationships, the learning of the language represented an important way to be accepted and integrated in the local circles. Swinging between past and present, the memory of the interviewed people, nowadays, focuses on their power of endurance and personal sacrifices. This power becomes their standard to judge the phenomenon of emigration in Italy. Another interesting element concerns the perception of discrimination. Even if emigrants dont remember particular racist acts, they nevertheless recall a quite widespread discrimination (Italians are all dirty Neapoletans or mafiosi Sicilians, dirty Italians, ugly macaroni, some smart restaurants didnt accept dogs and Italians). Yet, at their arrival, they just have a slight perception of this discrimination, because what prevails is a sense of emotion and confusion due to their migration into a completely different environment. Later on, when confusion fades away, sometimes the differences become more evident and you notice that also among the Belgians there are some who respect the foreigner workers. But the environmental differences remain: fog and rain instead of sunshine, concrete instead of green fields, different food (not always worse, though). But its important not to feel homesick. First comes work, then you can think about going back home. And what remains in the emigrants memory are the positive things: toilet facilities, unknown in the countryside of origin, the well-mannered and quiet Belgians compared to the noisy and gesticulating Italians, the efficiency of the facilities and the work opportunities also for women. The link with the homeland, even when one decides not to go back, is mainly an emotional and cultural one, much tied down to the family roots. 4. Best practices of integration: some example As for the memory of a quite widespread discrimination, based on some prejudices, the emigrants dont recall particular cases of racism (a part the one concerning a cook who launched a big casserole to a man who always used to call her macheroni), nor of good practices. For sure, they remember the help received from some families or people out of their familiar circle, especially for the search of the house and the job, but they always underline their personal achievement of a stable work, their abidance of social rules and their learning the language at school. Some also mention the help received by the association Arulef which organizes journeys to Belgium and meetings to promote the integration between Belgians and Italians.  Anne Morelli, Gli italiani del Belgio. Storia e storie di due secoli di migrazioni, Editoriale Umbra, Foligno 2004.  Piero Bevilacqua, Andreina De Clementi, Emilio Franzina (a cura di), Partenze, Donzelli, Roma 2001; Id., Arrivi, Donzelli, Roma 2002.     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